So, you’ve made the decision to schedule your first chiropractor visit. Unless you’ve accompanied a

friend or family member during an appointment, you may have some questions regarding what to

expect. Chiropractors differ from general care physicians, which is why it’s important for new clients to

understand how the process works.

Professional chiropractors can treat and prevent a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs),

diseases, and adverse conditions. Because each and every client’s needs are unique, the initial visit will

usually begin with a consultation during which the client explains his or her reason for visiting the

chiropractor. If you are suffering from lower back pain, for instance, you can inform your chiropractor

of your symptoms during the consultation. The chiropractor will further discuss your condition and

concerns while answering any questions that you may have in the process.

Many chiropractors also require first-time patients to complete a form regarding their health. These

forms may contain questions such as: where are you are experiencing pain? When did the pain start?

On a scale of 1-10, how severe is the pain? Are you currently taking any medication to treat the pain?

This otherwise simple form will go a long ways in assisting the chiropractor in diagnosing and treating

your condition.

Following the consultation, your chiropractor will perform a physical examination. Again, the

examination will vary depending on the client’s reason for seeking chiropractic services. A typical

chiropractic examination, however, will consist of testing the client’s blood pressure, respiratory health,

reflexes, pulse, and sometimes even muscle strength Chiropractic examinations are critical

Next, the chiropractor will perform a diagnosis of your condition to determine from what exactly you

are suffering. Chiropractors diagnose conditions based on the information within the client’s medical

form, the consultation, and the chiropractic examination. In some cases, further tests may be performed

to diagnose a client’s condition. X-rays, for instance, are often used to diagnose a client’s condition

when the aforementioned techniques are inadequate.

Hopefully this will give you a better idea of what to expect during your first chiropractor visit. Initial

sessions are usually short, centering around diagnosing the client’s problem rather than fixing it. In the

follow-up sessions, the chiropractor will use various methods and tools to treat the problem.

Chiropractic techniques may consist of laser decompression therapy, manual spinal adjustment, and

massage therapy. The chiropractic will choose the technique that’s best suited for your particular needs.