Daily Activities to Reduce Back Pain

Daily Activities to Reduce Back Pain

Affecting an estimated 31 million Americans at any given time, back pain is an all-too-common condition that can lower a person’s quality of life. The back is a complex bodily structure consisting of 33 vertebrae within four regions. Only the top 24 bones are...
How Sleep Affects Your Health

How Sleep Affects Your Health

Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night? According to Sleep Med of Santa Barbara, a sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment center, as many as 70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep or wakefulness disorder. It’s frustrating when you...

Simple Tips for Better Posture

What’s your body’s natural posture like? The truth is that most people can’t answer this question, simply because they turn a blind eye to their posture. In doing so, however, they place themselves at risk for a wide range of adverse conditions,...

5 Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Affecting up to 31 million Americans at any given time, back pain is an all-too-common experienced by men and women of all ages. According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), it’s also the leading cause for missed work and the second most common...