Cold-laser therapy (also known as low-level laser therapy) is a relatively new form of physical therapy that involves the use of low-level lasers and/or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to stimulate cellular function. While it can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions and injuries – back pain, arthritis, neck pain, joint disorders, etc. – it’s particularly useful in the treatment of knee pain. To learn more about cold laser therapy and how it can knock out your knee pain, keep reading.

Many people are surprised to learn that lasers can actually heal and improve cellular function. After all, aren’t lasers used to destroy tissue? Granted, high-power levels can be used to abate tissue, but this practice involves the use of low-level lasers, which can heal tissue rather than destroy it.

It’s difficult to describe the sheer pain and discomfort associated with injuries without experiencing them for yourself. The average person walks approximately 5 miles per day, which translates into 10,000 steps. When you are suffering from a knee injury or medical condition, each and every step can result in excruciating pain. Furthermore, this pain is usually indicative of a more serious underlying condition that, if left untreated, will become progressively worse.

kneeHere are some of the most common causes of knee pain:

  • Pulled muscle
  • Osteoarthritis
  •  Bursitis
  •  Torn ligament
  • Torn tendon
  • Cartilage damage
  • Anterior injury
  • Tendinitis

Can cold-laser therapy really be used to treat conditions such as these? The science tells us yes, it can. By exposing the affected areas of the knee to low-level lasers (usually around 0.3 to 19 joules per square centimeter), it will reduce both pain and inflammation. The mechanism behind cold-laser therapy remains largely unknown, but thousands of men and women have reported success when using it to treat their knee pain.

But cold-laser therapy doesn’t just relieve pain and discomfort; it also heals damaged cartilage and tissue. The lasers, when used in an appropriate setting, stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism, allowing damaged cartilage and tissue within the knee to heal at a faster rate. This is especially beneficial for people who are physically active, as it reduces downtime while allowing them to get back on their feet.

Researchers have even backed this belief by citing a study in which patients reported a decrease in knee pain and an improvement in knee function.

“Recently, in a double blinded placebo control study Leal et al. (2014) reported a decrease pain and increase in function in patients with knee pain,” wrote researchers when performing a systematic analysis of several studies involving cold laser therapy treatment for chronic pain (source).

If you suffer from constant knee pain, call us today at (248) 683-6260 and schedule an appointment for Cold Laser Therapy Treatment.