Chiropractic Treatment for Lower Back Pain Saves Money
Do you suffer from lower back pain? According to a report titled Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain: Clinical Symptoms, Absenteeism and Working Environment, as many as 80% of the general population will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. What’s...
5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
Fatigue is something that everyone will experience at some point in their lives. When it’s a one-time occurrence, it shouldn’t pose any risk to your health or lifestyle. But when you wake up morning after morning with low energy levels, it can have lasting negative...
How to Overcome Muscle Spasms
Do you suffer from involuntary muscle contractions? Also known as spasms, this is an all-too-common condition that affects men and women of all ages. A single spasms here and there shouldn't cause any need for concern. But when you are having multiple spasms each...
Chiropractic Care for Sports Athletes
Greater Range of Muscle Motion Sports athletes can benefit from chiropractic care by increasing their muscle motion range. Using both manual techniques and instrument-supported techniques, a professional chiropractor can increase an athlete's range of motion. Why is...
What to Expect During Your First Chiropractor Visit
So, you've made the decision to schedule your first chiropractor visit. Unless you've accompanied a friend or family member during an appointment, you may have some questions regarding what to expect. Chiropractors differ from general care physicians, which is why...
So, What’s Wrong With Drinking Soda Pop?
Successful people develop habits of excellence, and perform them with optimal attitude and energy. Our habits and the energy behind them will play a significant role in our level of achievement. So, it’s worth a look at your own habits – examining and refining your...
Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women
Chiropractic services offer several unique benefits for pregnant women, ranging from simple pain relief to shorter childbirths. If you are still skeptical of the positive effects of chiropractic care during pregnancy, check out some of the top benefits listed below....
Common Causes of Spinal Misalignment
The term “vertebral subluxation” is used to describe the irregular moving or shifting of the vertebrae. When this occurs, it can cause a wide range of adverse symptoms and diseases, including pain, limited mobility, inflammation, muscle spasms, herniated discs, and...
Daily Activities to Reduce Back Pain
Affecting an estimated 31 million Americans at any given time, back pain is an all-too-common condition that can lower a person's quality of life. The back is a complex bodily structure consisting of 33 vertebrae within four regions. Only the top 24 bones are...
How Sleep Affects Your Health
Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night? According to Sleep Med of Santa Barbara, a sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment center, as many as 70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep or wakefulness disorder. It's frustrating when you lie down...