The term β€œvertebral subluxation” is used to describe the irregular moving or shifting of the vertebrae. When this occurs, it can cause a wide range of adverse symptoms and diseases, including pain, limited mobility, inflammation, muscle spasms, herniated discs, and more. But what exactly causes the vertebral subluxation in the first place.

Sleeping in The Wrong Position
We’ve mentioned this before on our blog, but sleeping in the wrong position may stress the spine and ultimately cause a vertebral subluxation. The MayoClinic recommends sleeping on your side with both legs slightly up towards your chest, separating them with a pillow or body pillow. Without the billow between your legs, the weight of your upper leg will pull your spine down, stressing it and its supporting structures.

Growth Deformities
Of course, growth deformities can also trigger vertebral subluxations, such as the case involving scoliosis. According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), 5 to 7 million people in the United States suffer from scoliosis at any given time. Characterized by spinal curvature greater than 10 degrees, this all-too-common condition can affect people of all ages.

Repetitive Motion
Performing the same motion over and over has been known to cause vertebral subluxations. A worker at a factory assembly line, for instance, may be forced to move his or her body in the same manner every couple of minutes. Over the course of several months or years, this may result in the vertebrae slipping out from its original position. Workers can protect themselves from repetitive motion-related injuries by taking regular breaks.

Poor Diet
As the saying goes, you are what you eat, holds true. Consuming highly processed foods that offer little-to-no real nutritional value increase your risk of developing a vertebral subluxation. Without proper nutrients, your spine and supporting nutrients may become weak and prone to injury/disease. A good rule of thumb is to plan your meals around lean meats (e.g. chicken and fish), as well as fresh vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional fast food burger once in a while, but it shouldn’t become a habit.

Emotional Stress
Last but not least, emotional stress may also trigger a vertebral subluxation. It’s a little-known fact that emotional stress may cause physical symptoms. When you are stressed, your blood pressure rises, your muscles tense up, and your body produces more of the stress-related hormones like cortisol. As a result, this can force the vertebrae to move from its original position.

If you feel you are suffering from spinal misalignment, please call today to meet with Dr. Gray or Dr. Zimmerman.Β  They will recommend a treatment option that will get you on the right path to a healthy life.